ErigmolCt a day ago

This is really cool, but I had complete silence in the room, and the sound on my computer was turned up to the maximum. My cat was lying on me. When I clicked on the screen, my cat (and I, too) got so scared that she scratched my legs. But it's a fun thing, of course!

  • 867-5309 a day ago

    if only the titling were less ambiguous..

    • deergomoo a day ago

      I had my speakers muted and assumed it referred to visual noise, given the graphics

  • glass-z13 a day ago

    Anyone has a general solutions for this? Lots of time that i open such apps featured on hn they're always on 100% volume with no way to turn it down and it blows up my ears... I'm using firefox and tried some volume extension but it was a 20% chance if it worked on the website or not

    • lewantmontreal a day ago

      Set ‘media.default_volume’ to 0.3 or so in about:config.

      • bornfreddy 18 hours ago

        On ff mobile, where Mozilla in their endless wisdom disabled about:config, the same can be reached via url chrome://geckoview/content/config.xhtml .

    • dizhn 5 hours ago

      On linux there's a suite of audio effects that work with pipewire. Compressor and limiter are included so it should be possible to do what you need.

    • rambambram 7 hours ago

      A physical volume knob on or near your keyboard.

    • cdfuller a day ago

      In Chrome I set all sites to be muted by default. I assume Firefox has the same feature.

johnchristopher a day ago Ratatat - Loud Pipes

Almost there :).

  • aidos a day ago

    Man, those two first Ratatat albums had such a great sound. I’m not quite sure how they created it but I saw them play in a little club in London and it was every bit as full and textured as on the albums. I have a recording of the gig somewhere.

    • etrautmann a day ago

      I think their sound was created by time reversing guitar notes? I was never clear how it would be possible to play that live?

      • madisp a day ago

        when I saw them live ~18 years ago they made heavy use of gradual fade ins (swells) with an ernie ball volume pedal, it does have a similar sound to a reverse delay effect.

        • aidos 20 hours ago

          Yeah, that was about the same time when I saw them. From memory they just looked like your standard 3 piece but had those lovely backwards sounding swells. I recall being really surprised because it sounds like the sort of thing you’d struggle to do live.

    • SSLy a day ago

      Share it kindly, I’m pleading you.

  • sph a day ago

    Such an actually underrated band. That album, Classics, as well as their entire discography is a work of art.

  • melenaboija a day ago

    Fuck, I spent a few minutes thinking I had heard something similar somewhere and you solved the mistery, thank you so much.

  • password4321 a day ago

    Never before seen on HN, must upvote favorite song and take the hit for saying so.

  • owenpalmer 12 hours ago

    I don't think I've ever seen a video with 26M views, but no description.

  • grugagag a day ago

    I don’t get the reference with Loud Pipes

    • v64 a day ago

      moving around on the noise site, you can get it to resemble parts of loud pipes, especially at around 2:35 [1] with the repeated upward bits

      • grugagag 11 hours ago

        Thanks for taking the time to explain, I was chasing my tail looking for something visual

jedimastert a day ago

It appears you can get different modes using search params <>

Using locrian as the default is wild <>

  • rav 18 hours ago

    The default chords from left to right sound pretty standard in my ears: vii⁰, I, ii, iii, IV, V, vi - but maybe it's locrian if you take the leftmost chord to be the tonic, and a plain major if you take the second from the left to be the tonic?

jjcm a day ago

Complete aside, but Jake of is an absolute delight. I work with him over at Figma and he’s such a genuine person who makes little nuggets like this on a constant basis. He’s one of those people who make tech a fun industry to be in.

swiftcoder a day ago

The source code is posted on the author's github, by the way:

  • y-curious a day ago

    He has some files named after GPT3 and GPT4. I wonder what that's about

    • billyoyo a day ago

      looks like they were playing around with getting gpt to write some code to render the particles

  • andai a day ago






lozenge a day ago

Very cool. It would be good to support multi touch, letting the user instantly switch to another noise by reacting to the latest finger. You would need to use viewport meta to disable page zoom as well.

  • al_borland a day ago

    I was thinking multitouch as well, but more about chords than sequential noises.

    • Jolter a day ago

      They are already chords.

      • jonwinstanley a day ago

        The chords are the best part of this, makes everything sound good and in tune

  • binarysneaker a day ago

    Absolutely. I sooo wanted to tap a snare or drum with my thumb while playing the chord with my index finger.

racefan76 an hour ago

Wow, this is like something I'd find on the Bored Button website.

pruetj a day ago

If you’ve ever been by a Tesla coil in person, that static-y noise near the top of the screen is almost a perfect match.

hermitcrab 6 hours ago

"Cloudflare, what is best in life?" "To crush your enemies, see them driven before you and hear the lamentation of the Patent Trolls."

jstanley a day ago

How come it sounds like discrete notes even thought I move continuously? Like I can move around a bit and the note doesn't change very much and then all of a sudden it changes in a discrete jump?

  • atomicstack a day ago

    Quantising the oscillator pitch into discrete steps like this is pretty common when it comes to synthesisers. Generally there is also a fine-tuning control that allows the user to offset the output by up to an octave. Makes it easier to not be out-of-tune with other instruments.

orko a day ago

This is fun, and the whole website is full of funny and creative projects like this! Well done!

nobrains a day ago

this is what i gather: up is noise, down are notes, left to right are different frequencies higher to lower, white dots are noise, color dots are sound frequencies, dots are a visual indication of what components the sound u r hearing is composed of.

  • kamiheku a day ago

    Up is a high-pass filter, down is a low-pass filter, left and right moves between different chords.

cvoss 20 hours ago

The chord progression is i^o II iii iv V VI vii, which are the successive triads of a locrian scale, which is like a major scale but you start from the 7th note of the scale (ti). In this case, use A flat major, but start on G.

Trufa a day ago

This is really nice, the ability to add more and make chords would be interesting, though most might be pretty dissonant I guess.

butterfly42069 a day ago

Absolutely excellent. It bought me much joy to have a pad like this (that used to cost me money) pop up on the front page of HN to stick my finger into.

BMc2020 a day ago

I found making a white - purple - red - white triangle over and over pleasing.

squarefoot a day ago

A possible improvement: add filter resonance control assigned to mouse wheel.

abcd_f a day ago

Multi-tap is not supported it seems. Could've been a nice thing to have.

keepamovin a day ago

This is incredible. Do you know what you've done?

You've created an instrument!

  • john2x 19 hours ago

    Does it work with multiple inputs on touch screens?

    • keepamovin 2 hours ago

      No, and that was not a limitation for me. Restrictions often lead to more creativity. Embrace that.

      but at the same time a multitouch version would be cool. Why don’t you make one?

      Also, the author needs to add something like user select none on touchscreen and make it aggressive because otherwise iOS Likes to select anything You tap too long. iOS is sticky and easy and eager to please like that ha ha ha!

ww520 a day ago

Looks cool. Is it Fractional Brownian Motion or Simplex?

cubefox a day ago

Neal fun, Jake fun, who's next?

  • susam a day ago

    While not as impressive, I have a small set of fun pages here:

    These are tiny hobby projects I've developed in the limited spare time I get. They serve as creative outlet and keep alive the fun in computing I first discovered many decades ago while learning the Logo programming language.

    I'm curious to see what others here do to keep the fun in computing alive for themselves.

    • isoprophlex a day ago

      My son wanted to know why all planets move in one direction around the sun.

      I struggled a bit with finding the right way of controlling this, but with some patience you can set up a cloud of nicely rotating particles, and try to reverse the overall direction of the swirl by adding particles that rotate in the other direction.

      • maroonblazer a day ago

        Love this! Nice work.

        • isoprophlex a day ago

          Thanks! Full disclosure: by the time this was done, the actual question that prompted this was long forgotten. I got a "huh, that's nice." for my trouble (:

4ggr0 a day ago

woah my earplugs were at 100% volume, what a jumpscare. but nice tool!

nilslindemann a day ago

I like how this performs on my 700 euro Laptop. And it sounds cool. Well done!

grugagag a day ago

This is fun and pretty.

  • revskill a day ago

    Boring soon.

    • grugagag a day ago

      Remember, fun comes from frustration. Keep at it

JofArnold a day ago

Really cool. Related, I asked Claude something like "create a multimedia interactive web experience with audio and mouse interactions" a few months back and it produced something fairly similar. My favourite follow-up prompt was "Make it more Stranger Things" and it turned the background music - which it generated - into a pulsing synthwave sound.

I really need to post these art experiments as some are truly mind-blowing for a machine that can't see.

  • hackernewds a day ago

    I dislike how you have directed the topic to yourself, and don't even post the thing

    • dahart a day ago

      While I agree slightly, this could be just ignored if OT, I don’t feel like it needs to be downvoted to death. And to be fair, HN comments relating the article to personal experience is extremely common and a legitimate part of what HN is about. With only demo and no words in the post it’s hard not to wander, other comments here have done so. You could read the parent comment as being inspired enough to finish a latent project, which is perhaps the same feeling I get from most of the digital/generate/interactive art projects posted here: so cool it makes me want to resurrect mine. Meta topics that are interesting about that: 1- interactive art is often more fun to create than it is to use, and 2- many of us make our livings making and maintaining so much tech for our employers we run out of time to do it for ourselves. ;)

    • JofArnold a day ago

      Sorry. You're right of course. Won't do it again.

      • Unai a day ago

        I didn't mind it, it inspired me. I've always wanted to play with doing something like that, but I've always found it difficult to work with sound and music; and even though I use AI for tons of stuff it never occurred to me that I could also use it to help me out with that. That said, +1 to sharing a link to cool things even if they are half broken, if you think it's cool chances are someone else also will.

      • grugagag a day ago

        No worries as long as you respect HN guidelines which you didn’t break.

    • tomalbrc a day ago


      • DiscourseFan a day ago

        look I post stupid shit too sometimes but Dang gives me a break because occasionally I actually contribute. But you aren't going to get away with comments like this for long. There's a whole set of guidelines[0]--they should post them more clearly but what the hell, I guess the mods would rather you were introduced to the culture through "polite" comments like mine rather than getting a rulebook thrown at you.

        Look man, 4chan is way cooler, and the culture there is way better. But, you know, its like Dada on steroids in there. This has got just a little bit more structure, and there's cool shit posted all the time and it often gets to the top. It's up to you to participate; I try not too, it can be a huge waste of time.
